Swtor Gunslinger Or Scoundrel Dmg

Deals 378 weapon damage and causes the target to take 30% additional damage from the Smuggler's next 10 bleed effects. Fires both blaster if dual wielding.

Corso Riggs

  • Nov 05, 2020 Operative and Scoundrel are an all-around good choice, with the other DPS spec (Lethality / Ruffian) performing well in the leaderboards with around 28,505 DPS. Sith Assassin / Jedi Shadow (Top Parse: 31,825 damage per second) Specialization: Deception / Infiltration.
  • Healing: Scoundrel (Sawbones, can't heal on gunslinger) Melee dps: Scoundrel Ranged DPS: Gunslinger Ease of rotation: Probably Gunslinger going Sharpshooter, its end game rotation is like 5 buttons so it is pretty easy. Next easiest is Concealment (but it requires you to stand behind the enemy to do max damage, so it is a pain when you are.
  • Powertech / Vanguard (Top Parse: 33,737 damage per second) Specialization: Pyrotech /.

Homeworld: Ord Mantell
Areas of Expertise: Blaster weaponry
Weaponry: Blaster Pistols, one reserved for Imperials
Romance: Yes

Always cheerful and eternally optimistic, Corso Riggs would be the last person most people pegged to be a mercenary. Before he became a soldier-for-hire, Corso lived a relatively quiet life on the frontier of Ord Mantell. Raised in a small ranching community far from the more civilized settlements, Corso had to learn from a young age how to rely on himself. Corso's upbringing also led to him developing a knack of getting himself into trouble, often taking dangerous risks for little reason other than for thrills and a story to tell.

When the separatist uprising spread across Ord Mantell, Corso's community was among the first to be affected. His family was killed while fighting back a separatist raiding party, and when the news of this reached him, Corso returned to his homeworld and vowed revenge on the group's leader. He joined up with a local gangster, quickly becoming both a trusted friend and most reliable muscle.

Despite a hard life that would have broken weaker men, Corso still looks at the galaxy with a light-hearted and unshakeable optimism. Always willing to defend the innocent and fight for a good cause, Corso is loyal to a fault and an invaluable ally to anyone who earns his friendship.

Bonuses: +5 Armstech Critical, +5 Underworld Trading Efficiency

Likes: Protecting the weak, being nice to ladies, punishing bad guys

Dislikes: Hurting for profit, hurting women no matter what they did, working with Sith or Imperials

Primary Stat: Aim

Secondary Stat: Endurance

Primary Weapon: Blaster Pistol of Blaster Rifle

Secondary Weapon: Shield Generator


  • Weapon: love
  • Military Gear: favorite
  • Courting: like, favorite
  • Luxury: like
  • Technology: like
  • Republic Memorabilia: like, favorite
  • Imperial Memorabilia: indifferent
  • Cultural Artifact: like
  • Trophy: like, favorite
  • Underworld Good: indifferent
'Smugglers are lucky, scrappy and cunning, able to utilize cover and execute powerful Charged Bursts to take down targets at a great distance.
Primary Attribute: Cunning. Cunning increases the damage and critical chances of the Smuggler’s Ranged and Tech powers. This remains so for both the Gunslinger and the Scoundrel Advanced Classes, while the Scoundrel’s Cunning additionally increases the effectiveness of healing powers.
Advanced Classes (Available at level 10): Gunslinger and Scoundrel
Gunslinger (Damage): Gunslingers wield two blasters and attack from cover with abilities like Charged Burst and Sabotage Charge. Gunslingers are extremely powerful when attacking from a secured cover position and receive several abilities that help ensure they remain in cover.
Scoundrel (Damage, Healing): Scoundrels utilize dirty tricks and don’t fight fair, using Stealth to get the jump on targets and attack with close-range abilities like Blaster Whip and Dirty Kick. Scoundrels also make excellent healers when playing the part of the underworld Sawbones.
―In-game Codex (Game Rules)[src]

The Smuggler is one of the four Galactic Republic-aligned playable classes. Along with the Trooper, Smugglers do not rely on the Force itself to get things done, only their guts and guns.

Famous Smugglers include Captain Nico Okarr.

Quick, Clever, Answers to No One


Sometimes luck is more important than skill, but it never hurts to have both.

Lawlessness has become common in the wake of the devastating war between the Republic and Empire. Shifting political allegiances and marauding pirates have made independent space travel a dangerous enterprise. Cut off from traditional supply routes, entire star systems waver on the verge of collapse. An adventurous spirit who’s not afraid to break a few rules can make a handsome profit hauling cargo to these hotspots, but it requires fast reflexes, fast wits and a fast draw with a blaster. Even then, the life of a Smuggler is always a gamble.

Stacking up enemies as fast as they stack up credits, Smugglers only survive in this galaxy by being slick, sneaky and street-smart. Whether sweet-talking an attractive alien or bargaining with a hardened criminal contact, the Smuggler’s charm is a notorious asset, and often the ticket to turning around a deteriorating situation. If circumstances get too complicated, though, count on a Smuggler to always have an escape plan. Experienced in flying under the radar, Smugglers are amazingly elusive. Yet when backed into a corner, they quickly become cunning and often deadly combatants.

Above all else, Smugglers make their own destinies. Despite their affinity for credits, Smugglers have been known to turn down lucrative opportunities when the clients have demanded too much control. Some Smugglers are even more discriminating—refusing to work with slavers and representatives of the Sith Empire. It’s a business where one is always looking for trustworthy allies, but they are often few and far between. Whether running an Imperial blockade or shooting down a double-crossing gangster, Smugglers are always flying by the seat of their pants. Every deal carries the chance for wealth beyond their wildest dreams… or an anonymous death in the harsh void of space.

Relations with the Republic

Faced with choosing an allegiance in these uncertain times, Smugglers have been forced to consider the implications of trying to operate under the tight controls imposed by the Sith Empire. Though never the most patriotic members of Republic society, many Smugglers have decided that siding with the Republic is siding with freedom, and of course, freedom is everything.

The Republic has never indulged a systematic prejudice against Smugglers. Generally speaking, they have more commonly tangled with laws and law enforcement measures from specific star systems, not the greater Republic. Thus, it has not been overly difficult for the Jedi and the Republic military to accept Smugglers as allies in resisting the growing dominance of the Sith Empire.

Field Reconnaissance

Swtor Smuggler Scoundrel

As smart and stealthy as Smugglers might be, surveillance recording from various spaceports and secured warehouses has captured them in the act. These images highlight their ability to adapt to almost any situation. They’re careful and cunning when sneaking into enemy territory, but when caught in the open, whether bluffing or gambling, they appear comfortable staging a courageous stand.


They don’t wear fancy armor or carry high-powered blaster rifles, but Smugglers are outfitted for action nonetheless. Wearing comfortable, flexible clothing with some custom modifications, Smugglers are able to stay light on their feet and quick on the draw. Usually carrying a fast-firing blaster or two, Smugglers have everything they need to shoot their way out of trouble. Though style is rarely their intent, it seems to come naturally to Smugglers, and their dashing duds generally complement their roguish charm.

Combat Tactics

The Smuggler’s approach to fighting is guileful and improvisational. Preferring to tip the odds in their favor from the start, Smugglers often rely on the element of surprise, using stealth and trickery to catch opponents off guard. Despite the sly tactics, they are more than capable of holding their own in a fair fight. Fast on the draw and a crack shot with a blaster, Smugglers tend to shoot first and be the last ones standing.

Rather than relying on movement-impairing heavy armor, the Smuggler uses nimble footwork and the environment for defensive advantage. Shooting from reflex and instinct, the Smuggler is still a crack shot from any angle. Primarily designed to stun or incapacitate a target for a quick getaway, the tricks of the Smuggler’s trade can also be used to buy a minute for a more carefully aimed, and often quite lethal, head shot. Quick, reckless, and unfailingly lucky, the smuggler can pop out from cover to fire a flurry of blaster bolts at multiple enemies. This maneuver breaks the enemies’ charge and provides cover fire to allow the smugglers’ allies time to set up a coordinated counter-attack.

'Notorious starship captain <name> has earned fortune and glory across the galaxy as a treasure hunter and Republic privateer. Pursued by the Sith Empire as a wanted criminal, <name> always stays one hyperspace jump ahead of the enemy's warships. But as a new foe threatens Republic and Imperial worlds alike, the time has come for these old rivals to join forces....'

Swtor Smuggler Gunslinger Or Scoundrel

Swtor gunslinger or scoundrel dmg free

The Gunslinger focuses on ranged combat using dual pistols. The Saboteur spec focuses on various explosives. He relies on delayed damage and random variations more than the Sharpshooter, but in an extended fight has the potential to do amazing damage. The Sharpshooter spec uses specialized direct shots to attack. The damage is extremely predictable, while not quite as high as the Saboteur. Sharpshooters also tend to have more frontload, meaning they do a lot of their damage at the start of the fight rather than ramping up to it. The Dirty Fighting spec is the opposite, relying on periodic damage and debuffs to truly maximize its output. While the Sharpshooter will have more frontload, a fight that carries out for more than the first rotation of abilities will tend to favor the Dirty Fighter, and the advantage ramps up the longer the fight goes on.

Whichever specialization you choose, the Gunslinger is one of the few cases of a pure class. You do damage, lots of it, and nothing else. You can focus your entire rotation of abilities on bringing the most DPS to bear against your opponents, and nothing else. Get to know a couple tanks and healers though. As much fun as the class is solo, it's even more fun in a group.

The Scoundrel focuses on close- to medium-ranged combat, as well as healing. All Scoundrels are stealthers, which makes them play MUCH different than the short/med range Troopers, even though they don't look so different on paper. The Scoundrel can specialize into either Sawbones which focuses on healing, or Scrapper whose skills favor melee range with some short range also, or Ruffian which favors short range with some melee range thrown in. Keeping in mind that all three specializations hold onto the abilities common to all Smugglers. While the advanced abilities tend to be stronger, there is always the baseline to fill in the gaps.

As a healer, the Sawbones is always welcome in a group. The Smuggler abilities will leave you the ability to run solo occasionally, but you'll never feel like a champ doing damage.

Swtor Gunslinger Or Scoundrel Dmg 2

The Scrapper is really at his best when he opens the fight from a stealthed attack at point blank range. There are longer range abilities, but they're not your payday.

The Ruffian won't deliver the big hits the same way the Scrapper does, but with more mid range attacks is a little less dependent on the melee range opener. Don't assume that melee is a problem, but you're not designed to take big hits the way a Trooper is.

Swtor Smuggler Gunslinger Guide

Regardless of specialization, the Scoundrel is going to have MANY abilities to track and will be very busy in a fight. Learning to bring as many of those to your group as possible will mean the class is just as challenging at 60 as it was at 11.

Below is a table showing the companions available to the Smuggler and what gifts they like. 'XXX' denotes a favorite gift (major rewards). 'XX' denotes a lovable gift (medium reward). 'X' denotes a likeable gift (minor rewards). 'O' denotes no likeability (no reward).

1. Corso Riggs: Acquired on Ord Mantell.

2. C2-N2: Acquired on Coruscant.

3. Bowdaar: Acquired on Nar Shaddaa.

4. Risha: Acquired after finishing Chapter 1.

5. Akaavi Spar: Acquired on Balmorra.

6. Guss Tuno: Acquired on Hoth.

GiftsCorso RiggsC2-N2BowdaarRishaAkaavi SparGuss Tuno
Cultural ArtifactXXXXXXXXXOX
Imperial MemorabiliaOOOXXX
Military GearXXOXXXXO
Republic MemorabiliaXXOXXX
Underworld GoodsOOXXXXXXXX

*(Only after a point in companion story with male Smuggler. Otherwise 'O'.)
**(Only after a point in companion story with female Smuggler. Otherwise 'O'.)

Smugglers focus on single handed blasters and a clever cover mechanic. Some abilities are only usable from cover, so it is necessary that the player become acquainted with it quickly. All Smugglers are able to deal a good amount of damage, and the Scoundrel class is able to heal, but none of the skill trees provide the ability for a Tank role in group play. The resource for their abilities is Energy. The smuggler starts off with 100 energy and it does not increase naturally (Although some skills can raise it by a small amount). Your energy regenerates faster at higher energy levels. As your energy decreases, so does the rate at which it recovers. To maintain a high amount of energy, use Flurry of Bolts regularly to allow your energy to recover.

Swtor Gunslinger Or Scoundrel Dmg Free

The Corellian XS Stock Light Freighter is a freighter built for speed and to transport cargo securely. It is equipped with a standard laser, torpedo batteries and mounted turrets.

The XS Freighter is one of the fastest ships in the galaxy and featured several ways to secretly store cargo, making it ideal for smugglers.

Smugglers can utilize light and medium armor, preferring flexible clothing for maximum agility and instead relying on its environnement and the assistance of a group for cover. Their clothing is often heavily customized with modifications and upgrades.

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The Smuggler has twenty-five different set bonuses available to choose from – 4 sets for Scoundrels, 4 for Gunslingers, 4 that can be worn by Smugglers of any advanced class, and 13 generic set bonus options that can be worn by any class. Some set bonuses only have a matching 2-piece or 4-piece bonus, while others have a full 6-piece set bonus, and the Smuggler can choose to mix and match sets to create their ideal set bonus mix. There are two ways to earn these set bonus pieces – either by running the content in the source column, or by purchasing the pieces from the Smuggler tech fragments vendor in the supplies section of the fleet, though not all sets are available from the vendor.

Swtor Gunslinger Or Scoundrel Dmg Download

ImageSet Bonus Name(2) Piece Set Bonus(4) Piece Set Bonus(6) Piece Set BonusVendorSource
Aggressive Treatment2% Alacrity Rating(Scoundrel) Bushwhack refunds all its energy.Bushwhack heals any allies standing inside it by a minor amount.3,000 Tech Fragments + 1 million creditsOperations
AuthorityPatch notes: (I don’t know which is correct.)

Smuggler: +2% Power

Agent: (2) +2% Mastery


Patch notes: (I don’t know which is correct.)

Smuggler: Noxious Knives deals 5% more damage.

Agent: Toxic Haze refunds a Tactical Advantage.

Activating Lacerating Blast reduces the cooldown of Bushwack by 3 seconds. Every enemy affected by Bushwack takes 20% more damage from Lacerating Blast.Not Available From VendorDxun Operation
Debilitator2% Mastery(Scoundrel) Scamper’s recharge time is reduced by 2 seconds.Dirty Kick gets two ability charges.3,000 Tech Fragments + 1 million creditsPvP
Tactician2% Mastery(Scoundrel) Hot Streak additionally resets the cooldown of Back Blast, Tendon Blast and Triage. Gaining an Upper Hand increases your critical chance by 10% for 10 seconds. Can only happen once every 10 seconds.Upper Hand gets an additional stack. Having a Upper Hand increases your damage and healing by 5%.3,000 Tech Fragments + 1 million creditsConquest
Established Foothold2% Mastery(Gunslinger) The cooldown of Hunker Down is reduced by 10 seconds. You gain 2 energy per second while Hunker Down is active.While Hunkered Down, you build stacks of Entrenched Offense, increasing damage by 3% per stack while you remain Hunkered Down. Stacks up to 5 times. Breaking cover or Hunkered Down being removed removes this.3,000 Tech Fragments + 1 million creditsOperations
Outlaws Parlay+2% Mastery(Gunslinger) The energy cost of Quickdraw is reduced by 3.Killing an enemy within 3 seconds of damaging them with Quickdraw resets the cooldown of Quickdraw and gives you a 5% damage buff. This stacks up to 3 times and lasts 10 seconds.Not Available From VendorDxun Operation
Precise Targeter2% Mastery(Gunslinger) Reduces the cooldown of Illegal Mods by 15 seconds, and activating Illegal Mods restores 15 energy.Smuggler’s Luck gets 3 charges and its cooldown is reduced by 15 seconds.3,000 Tech Fragments + 1 million creditsConquest
Repositioning2% Alacrity Rating(Gunslinger) Reduces the cooldown of Pulse Detonator by 5 seconds.Evasion finishes the cooldown of Hightail It and increases you and your allies movement speed by 50% for 6 seconds.3,000 Tech Fragments + 1 million creditsPvP
Escape Artists2% Alacrity(Smuggler) Flash Grenade now heals any allies nearby for a small amount of resets the cooldown of Surrender.Not Available From VendorCrafted
Probe Tech2% Endurance(Smuggler) Defense Screen creates a small shield around surrounding allies.3,000 Tech Fragments + 1 million creditsDaily / Weekly Missions
Quick Thinker2% Mastery(Smuggler) Any enemy who attacks you during Cool Head is stunned for 2 seconds.3,000 Tech Fragments + 1 million creditsPvP
The Slow Road2% Mastery(Smuggler) Thermal Grenade slows its primary target and all targets around it by 30% for 6 seconds.3,000 Tech Fragments + 1 million creditsConquest
Amplified Champion(Generic) The Amplified Champion’s set has same amplifiers pool as an armoring, hilt or barrel, so you can boost your combat stats even more than normal, though the highest boosts are not available. The trade-off is that this set has no actual set bonus ability like normal set bonus pieces. Vew Amplifier Info & Chart3,000 Tech Fragments + 1 million creditsConquest
Avenger2% Endurance(Generic) Increases your damage dealt by 3% while you Guard an ally.3,000 Tech Fragments + 1 million creditsPvP
Berserker2% Critical Rating(Generic) Increases all damage dealt by 3% and all damage taken by 6%.3,000 Tech Fragments + 1 million creditsOperations
Dying PrecisionIncreases critical rating by 3% while health is below 50%(Generic) Increases critical rating by 5% while health is below 50%Increases critical rating by 10% while health is below 50%Not Available From VendorOnderon Reputation Vendor
Preserver+2% Shield Rating(Generic) Passively regenerate 1% of maximum health every 10 seconds.Not Available From VendorCorellia Flashpoint
Rapid ResponseIncreases alacrity rating by 3% while health is below 50%.(Generic) Increases alacrity rating by 5% while health is below 50%.Increases alacrity rating by 10% while health is below 50%.3,000 Tech Fragments + 1 million creditsOperations
Stationary Grit2% Alacrity Rating(Generic) Increases damage dealt by 3% while not moving or increasing armor rating by 10% while moving.3,000 Tech Fragments + 1 million creditsDaily / Weekly Missions
Stimulated2% Alacrity Rating(Generic) Increases Mastery by 5% while under the effects of a stimpack.3,000 Tech Fragments + 1 million creditsFlashpoints
Taskmaster2% Alacrity Rating(Generic) Significantly increases the attack and activation speed of your companion.3,000 Tech Fragments + 1 million creditsDaily / Weekly Missions
The Entertainer2% Endurance(Generic) Entering combat improves nearby allies, increasing their mastery, endurance, and rate of experience point gain. This effect is removed when combat ends.3,000 Tech Fragments + 1 million creditsDaily / Weekly Missions
The Final BreathReduces damage taken by 2% while health is below 50%.(Generic) Reduces damage taken by 3% while health is below 50%.Increases defense rating by 10% while health is below 50%.3,000 Tech Fragments + 1 million creditsDaily / Weekly Missions
The Victor2% Mastery(Generic) Defeating an enemy increases your movement speed by 75% for 8 seconds. This effect cannot occur more than once every 8 seconds.Defeating an enemy heals you for 20% of your maximum health. This effect cannot occur more than once every 8 seconds.3,000 Tech Fragments + 1 million creditsConquest
Trishins Retort2% Endurance(Generic) Shielding an attack causes your shield to overload, dealing 1002 – 1502 damage to up to 8 enemies within 5 meters. Your shield can only overload in this manner once every 3 seconds.3,000 Tech Fragments + 1 million creditsDaily / Weekly Missions
Avenger2% Endurance(Generic) Increases your damage dealt by 3% while you Guard an ally.3,000 Tech Fragments + 1 million creditsPvP
Berserker2% Critical Rating(Generic) Increases all damage dealt by 3% and all damage taken by 6%.3,000 Tech Fragments + 1 million creditsOperations
Dying PrecisionIncreases critical rating by 3% while health is below 50%(Generic) Increases critical rating by 5% while health is below 50%Increases critical rating by 10% while health is below 50%Not Available From VendorOnderon Reputation Vendor