The Fader Lightroom Activation Code

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Category: electronicsanddiyelectronicsanddiy
Published: 31 August 201231 August 2012

An LED lighting project with slow fade-in effect and two switchable lighting levels.

LED Fader for Home Lighting Applications

LED lighting is all the rage these days. With prices falling rapidly and efficiency increasing, LEDs are becoming an attractive choice for home lighting projects. Though LED light-bulb replacements are increasingly common, there is still room for the enterprising hobbyist building high-quality LED lighting systems based on discrete components. This is the avenue I took in this project. Besides building a light strip with high-efficiency Cree XM-L power LEDs, I also built a fading-in effect using a small PIC micro-controller with two selectable light levels.

The Fader Lightroom Activation CodeLightroom

Hardware - The Light String and Power Supply

Since l had access to several laptop PC power supplies that were otherwise headed for recycling, I decided to use one of them in this project. Laptop AC adapters are generally switch-mode power supplies with good efficiency. That plus the fact that they output an 18 to 20V voltage (depending on model) and can source more than 3A, makes them good choices for driving multiple LEDs in series while keeping losses low. The Dell notebook supply I used outputs 19.5V. The key is to keep the total voltage drop across the LEDs near the output voltage of the supply to minimize losses across the series limiting resistor (See Figure 1). With the arrangement below, I measured about 1.7A through the string which is well within the Cree XM-L capability (with adequate heat-sink). The voltage drop through each Cree LED for I = 1.7A is about 3.1V. Therefore, the total efficiency of the string (setting aside losses in the AC-adapter) is :

Eff = Po/Pi = 1.7*(6*3.1)/(19.5 *1.7) = 95 %

This is a pretty respectable value. Of course, since this is an 'open-loop' design (i.e., not a current source with feedback, etc), some experimentation is needed for a given particular application to find an optimum current limiting resistor value.

The more traditional way of driving power LEDs is to use a current source arrangement. This is not very difficult to do (I actually experimented with this approach before settling on the simple/obvious series resistance solution). However, the series resistor is simpler and arguably more reliable since there is no active series pass element (bipolar transistor or MOSFET).

Figure 1 - LED String

Figure 2 shows a photo of the LED string mounted on an aluminum bar. I used a long aluminum strip available at Home Depot which is intended for carpeting but that worked quite well as a LED 'heatsink' in this application.

Figure 2 - The LED string

The LED Fader Circuit

For a long time, my lighting system consisted exclusively of the circuit in Figure 1 (with an external AC adapter). I thought it would be a nice touch to add a 'Fade-in' effect to the string when the circuit is first powered. I was inspired by this article that uses a microcontroller from an Arduino. Hwever I decided to use an inexpensive 8-pin 12F683 PIC microcontroller instead (about $1.25). I also made some improvements to the LED fading algorithm as described below. But first, let's have a look at the hardware.

Figure 3 shows the LED fader circuit. The circuit is built around a PIC 12F683 PIC microcontroller whose internal PWM circuitry drives an external N-channel MOSFET. The PWM duty cycle controls the brightness level of the LED string connected to header P2. Resistor R2 ensures the FET is OFF by default by pulling the gate of Q1 low. Resistor R1 limits the current transient when turning the mosfet ON (gate capacitance charge). Power to the microprocessor is derived from a 5V, 78L05 linear regulator and associated decoupling capacitors. D1 is an (optional) transient voltage suppressor (could also be replaced with a 24V zener diode).

Figure 3 - LED Fader Circuit

The Fader Lightroom Activation Code 2020


As shown in Figure 4, I designed a small PCB for this project. This was actually my first pcb design using the open-source KiCad package (highly recommended). I decided to make this project totally 'open-source' so you can download the complete KiCad schematic and board files at the link provided below. Note that some SMD decoupling capacitors are mounted in the bottom of the board.

Figure 4 - The PCB

For the enclosure, I used a Radio-Shack standard hobby box as shown in Figure 5. Notice that the Mosfet doesn't require a heatsink. Because this is a very low on-resistance device (0.022 Ohm typ), the power dissipation through the Mosfet is low and it remains relatively cool during normal operation.

Figure 5 - The final pcb in the enclosure


As in the original 'instructable' article referenced above, this fader has two possible states depending on whether the fade was allowed to fully progress or not on startup. Normally, the circuit fades slowly up to full brightness over a period of about 4 seconds. If this fade-in period is interrupted however (the switch is turned-off mid-way) then the next activation progresses only to half-brightness. This is a simple way to implement a two-level brightness control without requiring extra switches (other than the mains switch). The state of the fade process is stored on internal EEPROM memory and is therefore kept even when power is off.

Human light perception

As mentioned above, one improvement in this project over the original Arduino based project is the fading algorithm. Mathematically speaking, human light perception is roughly logarithmic (it actually isn't exactly logarithmic, but it's close enough to be a useful model). So our 'perception' of light intensity doesn't increase proportionately with the actual light intensity. Put another way, we are more sensitive to the small increases in brightness when the light output is dim than we are when the light output is very bright. This has a very real impact on how you fade the LED brightness while keeping a 'smooth' transition as perceived by a human eye. If you implement a simple linear algorithm ( something like adding a fixed k factor in a for loop: B(n) = B(n-1) + k, when B(n) is the brightness) the ramp is not smooth at all. It will seem as if the LED brightness is low for too long. To counteract the logarithmic perception characteristics in our vision, we must make the brightness increase exponentially (something like B(n) = k * B(n-1) ). This is implemented in the final code as a lookup table. I ended-up separating the ramp-up into two segments as experimentation showed this made the ramp even smoother (as I mentions, the logarithmic model is also a rough approximation).

The code was written in PICBASIC PRO. I made the code also open-source and it can be downloaded from this link:

Capacitance issues

The circuit in Figure 2 worked fine with my lab power supply but, as Murphy's law dictates, it didn't quite work as expected when connected to the laptop AC adapter. The circuit relies on detecting that power was cut mid-way through the fading cycle to activate half-brightness the next time around. However, the laptop supply seems to have a huge amount of capacitance which meant the supply rail was kept high long after the power switch was cut (several seconds). This effectively meant the that 'mid-way' power cut was never detected since the supply was always kept ON long enough to allow the microprocessor to reach the 'final =1' state. I don't expect that all supplies will 'suffer' from such an issue so I didn't include my solution in the schematic in Figure 1. However, for your reference, my solution was to add a 330Ohm 5W power resistor across the 19.5V supply. This load effectively speeds-up the capacitance charge/discharge cycle enough to allow the mid-point power failure detection as originally intended. The downside of course is that the resistor 'wastes' about 1W of power when the lights are fully ON (though this is small compared to the overall power consumed by the 6 LEDs, about 30 W).


The photos in Figures 6 and 7 were taken using the same exposure setting (i.e. the same apperture and shutter speed) so they are a fair representation of the difference between the two brightnees levels.

Figure 6 - Full Brightness

Figure 7 - Low Brightness

Possible improvements

I've been happy with the opeation of this device over the last couple of months. Since the PIC microcontroller has a few available I/O pins available, one possible improvement would be to add an 'auto brightness' mode that depends on the measured ambient light. This could be implemented using a photoresistor and the internal ADC. Maybe the topic for a future article:)...

Comments, questions, suggestions? You can reach me at: contact (at sign) paulorenato (dot) com

VideoPad Video Editor 10.23+ Crack + Keygen Full Version incl PATCH

The Fader Lightroom Plugin

VideoPad Video Editor is excellent software for working with video. The VideoPad supports a variety of common video formats, video files, effects, adding effects to sound, trimming the desired video clip from a movie. With this software, you can edit and customize various aspects of a video file, such as adding or extracting subtitles to movies. You can also use a variety of effects to edit videos with a variety of formats such as AVI, MPEG, WMV, DIVX, XVID, MPEG1, MPEG2, MPEG4, MP4 video formats Support MOV, ASF, VOB, OGM, .3GP, H. 264, RM and BMP, GIF, JPG, JIF, JIFF, JPEG, EXIF, PNG, TIF image formats for editing.

VideoPad Video Editor 9.09 Crack is an efficient application for editing various types of videos for personal and professional use. This is developed and designed by NCH software and is complemented by many advanced plugins such as VirtualDub. It has the ability to integrate with many other NCH programs to increase user functionality and performance. For example, it offers integration for MixPad, Photo Pad, and WavePad.

This enables users to offer complete and comprehensive editing functions for all types of media. Also, VideoPad Video Editor Crack has support for all commonly used video formats such as WMV, 3GP, Divx, mp4, Mpeg, avi, and many more. In addition, it allows users to share or upload their creations on the Internet. Additionally, it offers direct in-app upload for many video hosting sites like YouTube, Facebook, Dailymotion, Viki, Flick, and many others.

VideoPad Video Editor 10.23 Crack & Activation Code

VideoPad Video Editor registration code offers different views for video selection for preview and full video track. In this view, the user can easily perform different operations at different levels and media. It has a large collection of video effects with which the user can apply different modifications to the media. With this user, you can add text in different styles, colors, and sizes to the video. Also, the user can add different light effects to change the whole look of the videos. Users can add different transition effects to offer more interesting output.

The user can combine different video clips, images, and soundtracks into one file format according to user preferences. It allows the user to export videos in different formats. VideoPad Video Editor Keygen has many easy navigation and performance methods with which users can create amazing video projects. It offers functions to record videos on multiple discs 5 any complication. In this way, the user can create their own video CDs, DVDs, and Blu-ray. Above all, it is compatible with external video recording devices such as camcorders to record videos. In addition, it allows the user to see all the changes made in a real-time preview for analysis. Plus, add titles, subtitles, narrations, and more.

Key Comprehensive Features of NCH VideoPad Video Editor

  1. It offers a wide range of features including the following:
  2. Burn videos to CD or DVD or HD-CD, as well as Blu-Ray discs.
  3. Real-time support for previewing video effects and transitions.
  4. Customization option to change the duration, speed, and many other effect parameters.
  5. It allows you to save it in formats recommended for a specific website like YouTube and share it
  6. with your social circle.
  7. With this user, you can improve video quality with many different features.
  8. The user can adjust or adjust the brightness, contrast, saturation, and color or hue of the video.
  9. It also has operations for mixing and editing various soundtracks.
  10. It has different fade transition options to create more polished and interactive videos.
  11. Burn your DVD and watch it on TV.
  12. See the preview of the effects in real-time.
  13. Adjusting the timing of the effect.
  14. Share it with your friends and share it directly on YouTube.
  15. Saturation, contrast, image quality control
  16. Screen adjustment options
  17. Edit your tracks and videos like professionals
  18. You can add the transitions that will give you the professional movie look
  19. Create separate tracks for your videos
  20. Add different digital image formats.
  21. You can also create iPhone-compatible files.
  22. Add subtitles to a video.
  23. Generate the visual effects you want and add them to the videos
  24. Similarly, it will be easier to share your videos with friends and family online.
  25. So take advantage of effects like black, white, sepia, and many more
  26. The VideoPad video editor registry key also reduces camera shake with the video stabilization feature
  27. After 3D videos and stereoscopic transformation from 2D to 3D
  28. Unique transition effects on your movies and videos
  29. Save it to your computer as high-quality digital movies
  30. Import drag and mash-up music songs as a specialist


Download 4K Stogram Cracked Version 2020

What’s new?

The user only needs to drag and drop for basic video editing. So we should apply some visual effects and then adjust the speed of the video. It also allows us to burn videos to DVD for playback on TV. Therefore, after consuming it, we can share it online. All in all, all users can easily afford this tool. With just one click, we can easily share video files with our friends on PC via network.

  1. We can also add text captions in our movies.
  2. Changing the speed of the video is elementary and easy.
  3. In it, there is a professional touch in the movies.
  4. This program introduces us to amazing new audio tools.
  5. There is also video cutting and video alteration.
  6. It has a preview of the effects in real-time.
  7. Users can convert videos easily.
  8. It has simple use of the necessary tools.
  9. Users can also record and enjoy.
  10. It also has AVS Video Editor Crack.
  11. Now you can edit and mix the audio tracks in your projects.
  12. Adding new transitions, including fade transitions, gives the video a professional touch.
  13. You can add voice narration and subtitles in this version (a nice step)
  14. Adding a preview of the 360 ​​aspect ratio.
  15. Encryption added to cellular devices.
  16. Slow speed correction. Now you can quickly edit and convert your videos.
  17. Added new effects.
  18. A new advanced sequence supervisor.
  19. Fix minor bugs
  20. 360 Aspect Ratio Preview – Latest
  21. Encryption for mobile or portable devices
  22. Advanced sequence manager
  23. Including many effects and filters
  24. Fix all bugs and errors in previous versions
  25. More effects and filters are included in this latest version
The registration Code for any version is as under

14943800- JZEWLCMM

2021 Latest Code:



System Requirements:


Your PC must meet these minimum requirements to install this tool.

  • Windows Operating system, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8/8.1, Windows 10.
  • 32-bit or 64-bit system
  • Mac OS X 10.5 or above
  • iPhone/iPad 6.0 or higher

How to install the VideoPad Video Editor?

The Fader Lightroom Activation Code 2020

  1. Download VideoPad Video Editor Crack (below)
  2. Install and run
  3. Turn off your internet connection
  4. Put provide keys
  5. Reboot your device
  6. Launch the software

The Fader Lightroom Activation Code 2019

Download File
Crack Link

The Fader Lightroom Activation Codes