Hacking Conlog Prepaid Meters Amazon
Busy with an interesting issue which I have never had to deal with before.
I did a COC for a house which is a total write off, I cut and disconnect literally the entire house, the purchaser bought the house for about a third of the property value if not less , and was advised accordingly.
Now months down the line I get a call from the new owner enquiring about bypassing the electricity meter, and instructed me that I must attend to the problem because I signed over the COC. Well I just laughed, yeah right you got to be kidding.
I informed the new owner that I have no authority to disconnect tor reconnect the meter, only the municipality metering department can break the seal and reseal the meter. In the case of a new installation I would install the meter in the location as illustrated on the application form and leave tails for the municipality to connect and seal. In the case of a relocation I would have to send a in an application for them to disconnect and reconnect, supply a new meter box with tails etc ready for them.
The COC has absolutely nothing to do with the metering and I cannot be held liable for any issue the new or old owner have with regards to someone bypassing a meter, in fact 90 % of the time I don't even open the meter box and if there is no power I merely state on the COC that there was no power at the time of test and therefore could not complete all the test results.
Hacking Conlog Prepaid Meters Free
Jun 04, 2012 This video will show you what you'll need to know to hack a digital electric meter. You'll need 2 magnets, one much bigger than the other, an AC adaptor that you'll cut into pieces, or some speaker wire, distilled water, electrical tape, a knife, some plascic wrap, and a plastic cup. May 25, 2019 Nirav If your meter has the name “Nirav Star Instrument” printed on it, just press 1037 then “Enter” 3 times. Conlog Intech In one long press on the hash (#) button will stop the sound on a Conlog meter that keeps beeping when you have few units. Actaris After your units fall below 20 units on your Actaris meter, it will start beeping. Conlogprepaidmeterkeygenfree Conlog prepaid meter hack codes Conlog prepaid meter hack codes. The following is a quick procedure on how to know your KPLC prepaid meter number: For. Make sure that the control box is connected to a power source. You can even use the instant kill cheat to break most doors, chests, and boxes.
- Conlog wBEC Nano, a wireless, single phase prepaid electricity meter that works with a CIU keypad, available from Citiq Prepaid, STS compliant meters & utility management systems in South Africa 087 55 111 55 help@citiqprepaid.co.za.
- Conlog boasts the world’s largest base of Smart Meters and Prepaid Solutions with over 90 Utilities using Conlog’s metering solutions and thousands of vending units installed globally as well as more than 400 Revenue Management Systems internationally and in South Africa.